webp format how to convert multiple images in subfolders

We will describe in this article how Google In has  convert WebP image format that is used in next generation web sites in bulk.

Convert multiple image files to Webp format. With subfolders

First, download for Windows from https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/download 

We extract the downloaded file from the compressed folder and move it to the desktop. Then change the name of the folder to WebConverter.

We open the folder and create a new Text Document. We change the name and extension of the file to webp-convert.bat as shown in the picture.

Open the webp-convert.bat file by right-clicking edit on it. into the following code and save it by typing

@echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

pushd %1

for /f "delims=" %%n in ('dir /b /s /a-d-h-s') do IF NOT ".webp" == "%%~xn" (

  set url=%%n

  set urlkirp=!url:~0,-4!

  set yeniurl=!urlkirp!.webp

  echo !yeniurl!

"%~dp0cwebp.exe" -q 80  "%%n" -o "!yeniurl!"


Open any folder and type shell: sendto in the address bar

drop the webp-convert file that we created as shortcut.

We can convert the images in all subfolders to WebP format by right clicking on the relevant folder and selecting webp-convert.

jpg to webp

png to webp

gif to webp

bmp to webp

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